Investing In Tough Times

Perhaps your paycheck arrived last week. The recurring thought of actually investing crossed your mind again—you ought to be building wealth and making better financial decisions.

Maybe you tried to suppress it with the usual “we only live once,” but then again, it doesn’t want to leave your mind. I understand the cycle and just thinking about investing lately has been tough. Everything is so expensive, and it seems like there’s barely anything left over for saving or investing.

So, what’s the game plan? How can we make investing work in this kind of tough economic environment?

1. Budget and Prioritise:

Start by reviewing your expenses and income to create a realistic budget. Identify areas where you can potentially cut back or optimise spending. Prioritise saving and investing as part of your budget, even if it means making small adjustments elsewhere.

2. Start Small:

A lot of people think they need to be super rich to invest but the truth is, you don’t need large sums of money to begin investing. You can start with small, regular contributions to an investment account or retirement plan. Over time, these contributions can accumulate and grow through compounding.

3. Focus on Essentials:

Ensure that you first cover essential expenses such as housing, food, utilities, etc. Look for ways to reduce these costs if possible, such as cooking at home, cutting back on ostentatious spending, etc.

4. Explore Low-Cost Investment Options:

Look for investment vehicles with low fees and minimum investment requirements. For example, consider low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that offer diversified exposure to the market at a lower cost compared to actively managed funds.

5. Set Realistic Goals:

Align your investment goals with your financial reality. Start with achievable objectives based on your current income and expenses. As your financial situation improves over time, you can adjust your investment goals accordingly.

6. Increase Income Streams:

Look for opportunities to increase your income through side hustles, freelance work, or career advancement. Additional income can provide more room for saving and investing, even in the face of a high cost of living.

7. Automate Savings and Investments:

Set up automatic transfers from your paycheck to your investment accounts. Automating savings can help you consistently contribute to your investments without having to manually manage the process.

8. Educate Yourself:

Take the time to educate yourself about investing and personal finance. Understanding investment principles and strategies can empower you to make informed decisions even with limited resources.

9. Stay Patient and Persistent:

Building wealth takes time, especially when faced with financial challenges. Stay committed to your financial goals and remain patient during the process of growing your investments.

Remember, investing is a journey that requires perseverance and adaptability. By taking proactive steps and making use of available resources, you can start investing and work towards achieving your financial objectives despite the pressures of a high cost of living.


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We often get questions regarding how to plan your finances to align with your relocation plans, especially for students seeking to further their studies. As always, we have heard you, and we have put together an e-book to help you navigate this. Follow this link, to get your FREE copy of the e-book: The Japa Encyclopedia.


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  • Join our community, if you want to smash your 2024 financial goals. It takes at least 30 days to build great habits that will last you a lifetime. So why not start now? There is a lot you can achieve.
  • If you would like to document your financial journey in 2024, then our journal would be an excellent fit for you. It costs ₦7,500 (excluding delivery).
  • Get a budget sheet to track your monthly expenses. Click here
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